Clear Lens Extraction (CLE)
This procedure is essentially the same as PRELEX except a fixed-focus lens is implanted rather than a multi-focal lens. It is therefore the same procedure as that usually carried out for patients with cataracts. Some patients are not suitable for PRELEX, but would benefit from removal of their natural crystalline lens and the insertion of a fixed-focus lens implant. This group of patients includes those with specific refractive disorders, such as high myopia. Often these patients are outside the treatment range for LASIK and yet a multi-focal lens implant may not be appropriate.

Where astigmatism is a particular issue, the very latest advanced lens technology is available to try and reduce the degree of the astigmatism.
For those interested in lens exchange but concerned about the risk of halos and night driving difficulties that can occur following PRELEX, Clear Lens Extraction (CLE) may be a more acceptable option.
You can find more information on Clear Lens Extraction (CLE) by contacting us and arranging to see out specialist surgeon.